Meeting Rooms

Meeting Rooms

All rooms are available to the public.
Please contact the director to schedule a time: (641) 828-0585 or
  • All rooms have projectors or TVs with HDMI/VGA connections. Rooms can be reserved ahead of time or used on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Program Room A: Capacity of 39.
  • Program Room B: Capacity of 37; adjoining kitchenette.
  • Community Room: Program Rooms A and B combined; Capacity of 76.
  • Conference Room A: Capacity of 8.
  • Conference Room B: Capacity of 4.
  • Study Rooms A & B: Capacity of 6.
  • Study Room C (Upstairs): Capacity of 8.
  • There is no charge to use the meeting room. However, any events scheduled outside regular library hours will be charged $40 per hour for the salary of the staff person on duty.
  • Library programs and activities will take priority over outside organizations and groups.
  • The group using the room should provide its own beverages and refreshments.
  • The coffee pot and other items in the kitchenette may be used as long as everything is cleaned and put away after use.
  • The Library Board and the City of Knoxville or their employees are not liable for any claims rising out of the use of the room.
  • No smoking or alcoholic beverages are permitted.
  • The Library's Patron Behavior Policy also applies to the use of the meeting room. Anyone violating these provisions may be asked to leave and/or be denied future use of the facility.